
Everything is Better When Life Has a Soundtrack

Sometimes, I find that parts of life can be summed up in an episode of Scrubs. We all know the best part of each episode is the end, when they play the soundtrack and everything in the episode comes together. It's the best part because it allows you to be reflective and realize what everything was all about.

Exactly 2 years ago I arrived in the UK with the opportunity of a lifetime. I took advantage of my surroundings as if every month was my last, and now I leave Europe with no regrets or shortcomings, but many trips and experiences I will never forget. Among the countless steps I have taken, times I have put on my backpack, or devoured a local food when I wasn't even hungry, I have realized that I enjoyed sharing these experiences with you throughout my 54 blog posts.

I have learned that no matter what, everything always works out. I have learned that 800 euros is too much to put on a deposit on a scooter. I have learned that my love for food has turned into an addiction and I don't care. I have learned that Africa is really hot. I have learned that everything is better when it's shared with someone you love. I have also learned that no matter where you are or how much fun you're having, you miss your roots and your family & friends. And during those times that may not be easy, you learn what is most important to you in life and what you need to be happy.

And now it's time to say goodbye to Europe and move on. Will it be the last time I'm ever in London? No. But regardless it's goodbye for now, and that is enough to realize how remarkable my life in London was and what it led to. Thanks to everyone who was part of my life, whether at home, work or beyond. You made my experiences what they were.

With that, I invite all of you to my next chapter in life...Singapore.